Welcome to CrossPoint

At CrossPoint we love God, His Word and His people. Are you looking for a church that prioritizes a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and a commitment to knowing and obeying God's Word?

We would like to invite you to worship with us on Sunday at 10:30 AM each week. 

We also have age-graded small group Bible studies for all ages at 9:30 AM on Sundays.  

On Wednesdays we gather from 6:30-8:00 PM during the school year for CP Kids (PreK to 5th), REACH Student Ministry (6th-12th) and adult Bible study and prayer.  

No matter where you are at in your relationship with Jesus Christ, we would like to come alongside you and help you grow in your relationship with Him.

Right Now Media

A Free Gift for You

Ready to dive into the Netflix of Video Bible studies and resources?  Right Now media provides thousands of videos to help you grow in your walk with Christ and it as available to you free of charge as a gift from CrossPoint to you, our friends!

Use the QR code or click here to get started

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