Firsts can make a person both excited and a bit nervous. At CrossPoint we believe you will feel welcomed and wanted the moment you walk through the doors. We are sure you have questions so here are answers to some of those questions:
- When should I come for my first visit?
- Every Sunday at 10:30 AM is a great time to make your first visit with us.
- What are your services like?
- The services are centered on our Savior Jesus Christ and consist of music and the preaching of God's Word the Bible.
- What about my kids?
- We have child care for children 3 years of age and under at every service.
- Will I know anyone?
- If you are from Dubois County there is a good chance you will know a few people from your school, workplace or neighborhood.
- What do I wear?
- We are casual at CrossPoint and anything from jeans to a little more dressed up will feel right at home.
- What type of church is CrossPoint?
- CrossPoint is a church that believes the Bible is the authority for our faith and practice. If the Bible teaches it, we want to know and follow it. We are Baptist church in partnership with the Crossroads Fellowship (Indiana) and Regular Baptist Ministries (USA).
- Is this a big or small church?
- We are a growing family with between 160 and 200 people in attendance most Sundays.
- What are the sermons like?
- Sermons at CrossPoint come directly from the Bible and are expository in nature. You will want to bring a Bible with you and come ready to hear God's Word explained in a way that your whole family will be able to understand and apply to their daily lives